For the first time a convention of young doctor was hosted by Ahmedabad
Medical Association today At AMA house, Ashram Road .
More 300 young doctors from various institutes have attended this convention.
They were mainly residents of various medical colleges of Ahmedabad.
The primary aim of this convention is attract these young doctors towards
IMA and make them aware about the various activities of IMA.
Dr,Jitubhai Patel,National president of IMA was chief guest and Dr.Bipin
Patel, President of IMA Gujarat State branch was guest of honor..
Along with this in this convention various issues pertaining to young
doctors were discussed like
- Universal
treatment precautions for doctors : Dr.Bhavesh Jarwani
- Medico
legal: Responsibilities and Rights of a doctor: Dr.Pragnesh Vachharajani
- About
IMA:Dr.Ashok Kanodia
- For the
first time IMA has provided a platform to the young doctors and management
of respective institutes to discuss some common day to day problems faced
by young doctor. There was healthy hour long discussion,Dr.Pankaj
Patel,Dean of V.S. Hospital and Dr.Bharat Shah,Dean of BJ Medical College
participated in the discussion which was coordinated by Dr.Mehul Shah-past
president of Ahmedabad Medical Association. Student leaders from JDA and
other also were part of discussion.
- Communication
Skills and Anger Management: Dr.Bhavesh Patel, who talked about handling
patients, doctor doctor relationship etc.
This kind of convention was well appreciated by young doctors and there
were of the opinion that such kind of programme should be held on regular
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