Multiplex movie =Popcorn+Soft drink ??
Last week, a last bencher who comes late made to seat on
last bench I had to see movie in first raw as we book tickets late.
That was last show of the day. We reach in time in
theater and sit in first row. Normally I don`t pay attention to movements but
due compulsory viewing you can say,
What I saw that, more than 40 % person passing by us,
were either overweight or obese. It includes people from all ages starting from
children. People were in all sizes and shapes and even not bothered about their
look in that trendy (??) outfit that they were wearing.
To my shock, at the time of interval which was at
12midnight this are the people who were returning to their seats with big soft
drink in one hand and pop corn in other.
I bet with my wife that surely either she or me would not
be able to finish this portion of serving at one go. I think same is true for
them if they were outside movie hall.
I always ask these questions to myself:
Why we cannot understand this basic thing? Whenever
we eat while watching TV or doing something we always eat more.
Why in multiplexes most of the junk food is served?
Do we need to eat at the middle of night or
till we are awake?
Do we really bother to think of calorie content
of food that we are eating?
I do not want to give answers, find answers and my work
is done.
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